EXRS 2008 Rudjer Boskovic Institute
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EXRS-2008 Secretariat
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
P.O. Box 180
10002 Zagreb, Croatia
e-mail: exrs2008@irb.hr

Important dates

December 2007
2nd Announcement and
call for papers

March 1st, 2008
Submission of abstracts

April 1st, 2008
Notification of acceptance

May 1st, 2008
Early registration

May 15th, 2008
Final announcements

Submission of Abstracts

Submission of abstracts is now closed. Authors will be informed of the acceptance of their contribution and its presentation (oral or poster) by April 4th, 2008. Abstracts of all accepted contributions (both oral and poster) will be published in the Book of Abstracts that will be distributed to all participants during registration.

Instructions for oral presentations

The time attributed to each invited presentation is 25 minutes + 5 min for questions. The time attributed to each oral presentation is 15 minutes + 5 min for questions. Presenters will have on disposal a digital projector and a PC running Microsoft Powerpoint. In particular, we would kindly ask our speakers to submit their Power Point presentations in the format compatible with the Microsoft Office 2003, and to load your file onto presentation machines at least one session prior to the one in which you are to present. Speakers should be present at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the Session in which they will give their presentation in order to introduce themselves to the Session Chair.

Instructions for poster presentations

The size of the display area for a poster is 90 cm in width and 120 cm in height. Posters will be on display during one of the three poster sessions, planned for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Instructions for manuscripts and conference proceedings

The conference proceedings will be published on a CD-ROM for distribution among the participants after the conference. The conference proceedings will contain the submitted manuscripts and submitted presentations in pdf format. Contributions transmitted to the Conference Secretariat before July 4, 2008 will be automatically included, without any reviewing procedure. Here there are no specific instructions about size and shape: the manuscript will be included such as the authors will have prepared it, under their own responsibility.

Authors of accepted contributions are invited to submit a manuscript for publication in a special issue of X-Ray Spectrometry (Wiley Intescience). Manuscripts should be prepared in a strict format of the XRS and will be reviewed in the normal review procedure of the Journal. Manuscripts can only be submitted online, mentioning the manuscript is intended for the special issue on EXRS2008. The on-line submission must be done before June 30, and a hard copy should preferably be left at the conference desk during EXRS2008.

In co-operation with:



Future Conferences

TXRF 2009


EXRS 2008 Photos
Book of Abstracts
EXRS programme
EXSA Award
Second Announcement
First Announcement

Conference poster
last change: 30/06/2008

Previous Conferences

EXRS 2006
EXRS 2004
EDXRS 2002