EXRS 2008 Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Home    Conference    Registration    Call for papers    Venue    Accomodation    Travel    Events    Industrial Exhibition    Photos

EXRS-2008 Secretariat
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
P.O. Box 180
10002 Zagreb, Croatia
e-mail: exrs2008@irb.hr

Important dates

December 2007
2nd Announcement and
call for papers

March 1st, 2008
Submission of abstracts

April 1st, 2008
Notification of acceptance

May 1st, 2008
Early registration

May 15th, 2008
Final announcements

EXRS Conference traditionally includes Industrial exhibition featuring companies producing x-ray related instruments and consumables. The companies are particularly invited to come with exhibition stand, as well as to advertise their products and services at the Conference web pages and our publications.

An industrial exhibition will be held as an integral part of the conference with various available exhibition options. Exhibition will be organized in the lobby area by the entrance to one of the conference halls and close to the poster area.

Information for exhibitors is available here. Companies registering to participate at the exhibition (selected options 1 or 2 from the Information for exhibitors) will have one free registration to the scientific conference. Exhibition registration form is available here. It is assumed that the contact person given in the registration form will attend the conference and will have free registration for the scientific part. If that is not the case please inform the conference secretariat.

For any further question concerning the exhibition and sponsoring, please contact the Conference secretariat.

Information for exhibitors
Exhibition registration form - pdf
Exhibition registration form - doc

In co-operation with:



Future Conferences

TXRF 2009


EXRS 2008 Photos
Book of Abstracts
EXRS programme
EXSA Award
Second Announcement
First Announcement

Conference poster
last change: 30/06/2008

Previous Conferences

EXRS 2006
EXRS 2004
EDXRS 2002